Advanced Training in Person-Centred Creative Arts, humanistisch-pluralistische Kunsttherapie nach Liesl Silverstone/Ani de la Prida, APCCA, UK
Kurs Art and Activity - Interactive Strategies for Engaging with Art, Museum of Modern Art MoMA, New York
Fast Track to Mindfulness. Weiterbildung Kunsttherapie für Psychotherapeuten mit Regina Lord, Psy-Class
Creativity as a Therapeutic Technique: Working with Rejection, Working with Shame - Workshop Series, Awakening Creativity for Counsellors and Coaches, UK
15. International IEATA Conference 2023, International Expressive Arts Therapy Association
Trauma and Creative Arts in Therapy: A Person-Centred Perspective, Online Conference Trauma and the Person-Centered Approach
World Art Therapy Conference 2023, Creative Arts Therapies, Columbian College of Arts and Sciences Canada
14. International IEATA Conference 2022, International Exressive Arts Therapy Association
Ancient Restorative Practices Grounded in Modern Neuroscience, Lecture Series Colorado Resiliency Arts Lab, University of Colorado, US
Trauma Informed Practices in Counseling and Expressive Arts Therapy, Pesi Health Care, US und Caldwall University New Jersey, US
Gegen den Strich: Wahrnehmen - reflektieren - gestalten im Kontext der Kunsttherapie, Konferenz 2021 Deutscher Fachverband für Kunst- und Gestaltungstherapie DFKGT
Healing with the Arts, University of Florida, US